Instructional Design Articles

PowerPoint vs. Word: Choosing Well

PowerPoint is often the program/app of choice for creating any ole document -- and often the wrong choice. (For more about how we acquired this bad habit and why you may want to break it, head to over to Why Fight Powerpoint's Power.)  Here's how to choose the right app/program. Before you open Word, PowerPoint or [...]

PowerPoint vs. Word: Choosing Well2023-02-13T09:33:21-08:00

Why to Fight PowerPoint’s Power

We all know PowerPoint tends to induce boredom. Despite that, many organizations expect it to be used in almost any setting and for almost any document. This article is about how we ended up here, and why dumping this cultural norm is a good idea. To understand the "power" in PowerPoint, you have to understand what [...]

Why to Fight PowerPoint’s Power2019-08-14T15:40:19-07:00

Writing: The Joys of Bad Grammar

"You're grammar is not very good." Someone recently wrote to say I should work on the grammar in an article. The person contacted me privately instead of posting a comment -- sort of like pulling me aside to tell me I had something stuck in my teeth. They meant to be helpful so I did not [...]

Writing: The Joys of Bad Grammar2022-06-06T07:47:48-07:00
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